Monday, September 17, 2012

Am I Mad?

Alright, sorry Tammy, I will make a thousand posts about madness when I can finally figure out what I want to say. I really like the above Calvin and Hobbes comic because 1) I love Calvin and Hobbes, 2) that's why I didn't blog Saturday, and 3) that's also how I often feel about school, especially when I think about how I am going to have to be a graphic designer and can't ride horses all day.

After class this past Thursday, when we discussed the psyche, I can't shake the feeling that my body is trying to tell me something I don't want to admit: I don't want to have a career as a graphic designer. I like it just fine, and it can be really fun, but other times it isn't. I'm currently going through a HUGE creative block. What if I made a mistake dropping the equine major?

Sometimes, I get very stressed and my whole body starts to feel off... I can't exactly describe it. Tense is part of it but it isn't the right word. This happened a lot at the beginning of the year, and still happens when I think about what I will be doing once I graduate. I get a more mild version of the same feeling when I am forced to go to family gatherings. It usually ends in me throwing a fit when my mom is not ready to go by the time she told me we would go. Like an angry fit, not a whiney one. Is this a type of madness?

Am I mad?

1 comment:

  1. Let me just say that the Calvin & Hobbes comic is brilliant. There is something about looking at infinity and realizing how insignificant we really are. For what it is worth, I don't think you are mad. Everyone expects college students to have the rest of their lives planned out, but no one ever figures it out without some trial and error. I know 55 year olds who don't know what they want to be when they grow up.
